
genesis farmLighting the Way
Success Stories

In November 2003, Grace Lutheran Church in Mendham, NJ became New Jersey's first house of worship to install a solar-electric, or photovoltaic, system.

After attending a presentation about the GreenFaith/Sun Farm Lighting the Way program, two church members, Cathy and Carl Malmstrom, approached their pastor about participating in the program. The Reverend Carol Peterson received the idea enthusiastically. Together with the able support of their Property Chair, they successfully convinced the congregation to move forward with the installation.

Said Pastor Peterson of the project, "This project represents an important and tangible expression of our congregational and denominational commitment to caring for God's creation and stewarding the Earth's resources responsibly. We owe this to ourselves, to our children, and to the inhabitants of our planet who are and will continue to be most vulnerable to alterations in the Earth's climate and degraded air quality."

Pastor Peterson added, "I can't tell you how pleased we at Grace Lutheran Church have been to be working with Sun Farm Network. We have been very impressed with the vision, professionalism, and attention to detail that Sun Farm demonstrates."

· Back to Lighting the Way
· Lighting the Way brochure (pdf)
· Lighting the Way application form (pdf)

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Current Initiatives:
- Sustainable Sanctuaries
- Lighting the Way
- Covenant of Sustainability

Core Values

Press Coverage
